Play Four in a Row Board Game Online

Four-in-a-Row is a classic two-player game and the aim of the game in the name! Popular for its simple and easy to understand rules, the game still requires strategy and stealth to remain on top of your game. The numerous strategies available to a player can increase chances of winning and make for an exciting game.

How to Play

The game begins by players choosing a colour (normally a choice between yellow and red). Once colours have been chosen, players can choose the minimum number of discs required for a player to win (choice between 4, 5, or 6), and finally players choose points required in order for a player to win the entire game.

Once the nitty-gritty is out of the way, Players can begin playing the game! Players take turns dropping a disc of their color into a six-by-seven grid. Each turn gives the player the opportunity to drop one of their discs into the grid. When a player places a disc, the only way to stop them from creating a row of four is by placing a disc to block them.

The turns continue until a victory is achieved, or a stalemate is reached on the board and must be reset. The discs can be placed in a row of four either diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

There is a possibility that the game can end in a stalemate when most (if not all) of the grid is filled but none of the disc are connected in a row of four. In such a case, the game will end in a draw.

Strategy Tips

Even though this board game is easy to grasp, it is deceptively hard to master. Most players will be able to learn the game quickly and win a few rounds of the game. However, this game has a twist to it that ensures only the most strategic of players can continuously win round after round.

To help you get started, here are two tips that might help you get a leg up in the game:

  • If you start the game, target the columns in the middle. Columns in the middle increase your options for securing a win.
  • Don’t just focus on your own pieces: try to put yourself in your opponent’s shoes and proactively block moves they are thinking of making, before they make them. The game will belong to the player who can spot opportunities not only for themselves but for their opponent.

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