Play Ludo Board Game Online

Created many centuries ago in India nowadays Ludo is one of the top boarding games. Ludo is played with dice numbered from 1 to 6 and a square board divided into 4 colored parts. Each player obtains 4 ludo pieces (tokens).

Ludo Board

Special sections of the Ludo board are usually decorated with yellow, green, red, and blue colors. The game board is commonly square with a cross-shaped playspace. There is a big “finishing” square in the middle of the board.

Game Objective

Every player picks a color and gets 4 tokens in that specific color. The game objective is to have all 4 pieces in the final area of the board. For this purpose, each player must throw the dice and follow his colored column when moves the token.


  1. To fulfill the objective, one die is rolled each turn. The number in the dice determines how many squares you must move each token by.
  2. To enter a piece from the base game to the starting position, a player must roll the dice until he rolls the number 6.
  3. When a player rolls a 6, he can choose to move a piece from the base or move another piece that is already in play by 6 squares.
  4. Whenever a player rolls a 6, he is entitled to roll the dice again. However, if a player rolls 6 three times in a row, he is penalized for losing his move.
  5. Once the piece is in play, it can be moved from 1 to 6 squares depending on the number taken from the die.
  6. If a player’s token stops exactly in the square where his opponent’s piece is, the opponent’s one is sent back to his base. An exception to this rule is if the opponent’s piece is in a safe place.
  7. Once the token has entered its initial home, it can complete its journey to the center only by taking the exact number when rolling the die.
  8. The first player who manages to take his 4 pieces to the end is the winner.

* If your piece lands on a square with the dice symbol, you gain the right to roll the dice again.

* If your piece lands on a house with the shield symbol, it will be protected.

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